Tuesday, 3 September 2019

wales mash up comming soon!!!!!

we are learning to use polyline to make a digital line and a wales mashup
I enjoyed learning to trace our mash up instead of saving images and cropping them to fit
I found it hard to use polyline at first but got the hang of it
I Would not change anything still need 20 mins

Thursday, 22 August 2019

Uganda knuckles Math quiz

Today I was learning to create a maths quiz online.
I found it challenging at first but then I started to get the hang of things and built a... Uganda knuckles quiz.

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

The art of technology

Hi Today our class walked down to waikanae stream and learnt about our water quality.Our water quality Is really bad alongside our pests 

Monday, 12 August 2019

My pepeha

Ko Nuhiti te maunga

Ko Hāwai te awa

Ko Nukutere te waka i ū mai ki Marahea  (the

place where Nukutere landed)
Ko Ngāti Wakarara, Ko Ngāti Hau, Ko Ngai

Tamaroki, Ko Ngai Takinga ngā hapū

Ko Motu
oroi te Moutere

Ko Hinetamatea te Marae, Ko Hinetamatea te

Whare Tipuna, Ko Hinekura te Wharekai

Ko Te Aitanga a Hauiti te iwi

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

My story about multiculturalism

New Zealand needs to be more accepting of a multicultural society.Following on from the sadness surrounding the Christchurch terror attacks,the country and its people need to reflect on our own and societal attitudes.We need to show respect,love,appreciation and gratefulness for other cultures that now call New Zealand home.

First of all we need mutual respect.People need to treat people like you would wanna be treated and be respectful and try some culture activities/beliefs.Kindness and caring such as a heart made by a school.

Second of all it is good to try traditions  you never  know it might be fun. Traditions like the haka and other traditions language is also important because if you in another country/maori you got to know just in case

Thirdly New Zealand needs to appreciate other Religion like god to come to Nz  and skin to feel like home.New Zealand needs to set their differences and let other people come in unlike donald trump who built a wall.

Fourthly skills: skills are awesome especially when it's from other countries like food jobs and language language is important for all to know and if your in another country.

In conclusion love the life you live live the life you love.

By Onree

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Matariki Animation!!!! with Brush Ninja

Today I was learning to make an animation about Matariki.
I enjoyed learning to animate.
I didn't find anything hard.
My animation shows the nine stars of Matariki.
Next time I would change the stars in a different order and put the Matariki sign a bit larger.
Brush ninja is a site that you can make animations with friends family and yourself it is fun to use try it out. Making the animation is not really hard it is easy I might make more in the future 

Thursday, 27 June 2019

24 Hour Footprint: Digital Map

Today I was learning how to get in to my history in chrome
 I enjoyed making the map and showing you what i do at school
 I found nothing hard
 My 24 hour digital footprint map shows what i do in history for 24 hours
 I would do nothing to change it